This site contains downloadable versions of Lindsay Falvey's books on themes of Spirituality and Religion. Books on agricultural themes are located at: <>
(click on list to left)
Dharma as Man: A Myth of Jesus in Buddhist Lands. Pp250. Uni-verity Press, Australia (2009)
Pranja Anthology (The Book of Ecclesiastes rendered into Buddhist concepts in rhyming couplets). Pp38 (2009)
Reaching the Top? All Paths are True on the Right Mountain. Pp68. Uni-verity Press. (2007)
Buddhist – Christian Dialogue: Four Papers from The Parliament of the World’s Religions, December 2-9, Melbourne, Australia, Pp45 (with John May, Vincent Pizzuto & Padmasiri de Silva), Uni-verity Press (2010)
The Buddha’s Gospel: A Buddhist’s Interpretation of Jesus’ Words. Pp108. Institute for International Development, Adelaide (2002)
Buddhism Briefly Explained (co-authored with Siladasa) pp40. Melbourne Buddhist Centre, Melbourne (2004)
AgriDhamma A Lecture by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu to Agricultural Teachers and Officials on 25 March 1991 at Suan Mokkhapharam, Chaiya, Surat Thani Province, Thailand, translated by L. Falvey from tape transcribed by Lerchat Boonek (2001)
Religion and Agriculture: Sustainability in Christianity and Buddhism. c.350pp. Institute for International Development, Adelaide (2005)
plus several others - refer to clickable list left